ÜrünlerBifacial Module Solutions
Omega-1S is a system solution built on a single leg, which is easy
and fast to install and preferred in harsh geographical conditions.
Bifacial Module Solutions
- Suitable for various module arrangement and angles
- Suitability to all kinds of topographical conditions
- Single leg or double leg options depending on geographical loads
- High strength and quality
- High corrosive resistance
- Alternative foundation solutions depending on soil characteristics
- Pre-assembled products that do not require on-site manufacturing
- Optimised cost and maximum efficiency
Years Of
Experienced Team
OMEGA products and productions, which do not compromise on quality and whose durability has been proven by physical and analytical tests, are designed to meet all kinds of geographical and meteorological conditions.
High quality, innovative and durable steel and aluminum products will provide first-day quality service for up to 20 years.